Friday, April 18, 2008

The real Essay :D... acheiving the ideal look

Some people believe that getting plastic surgery are going to live a happier life. That might actually be true considering how jugmental and superficial people can be. But despite all that, is what we have on the inside what truly matters.

Plastic surgery has become a very popular procedure. (A few years ago, plastic surgery wasn't for everyone.) First of all, people didn't know as much as they do now about it, it wasn't as affordable as it is now, and it wasn't as safe. For the most part, men and women who would have plastic surgery done would do it because they really needed it, it wasn't as much as a "I don't look like a super model" thing but a "I have a medical condition" matter.

There are doctors out there that don't have any working ethics and don't tell their pacients about the risks and side effects of getting surgery done. (Young people these days are growing up in a world where being a size 0 is the ideal look, it doesn't matter if you have to starve yourself and do exercise for hours and hours to achieve this goal.) We have learned that we need to do whatever it takes to look like the models we see in magazines or we will not be accepted in the society.

A long time ago people wasn't as obssesed as they are now about getting plastic surgery. There are people that become obssesed with it put themselves at risk getting things done that don't even need, knowing how dangerous it is to go under the anesthetics.

What we really need to learn is that it doesn't matter if we don't look the way we want, or weight what others say we should weight. What matters is that we accept others for who they are, what they can bring to our lives and how they can make us better people. What matter is to stay healthy and be with people that will love us for what we out on the inside and not what we look like or what size pants we wear.

P.S. I didn't know how to underline my main points so I used parenthesis!! Hope you like my essay.

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